Jeff the killer VS Slender man 'THE FINAL BATTLE'

Note: While I wish I wrote this masterpiece of literature , I didn't. This was created using FanFicMaker, which is a random fanfiction generator. I hope you enjoy.
Jeff the Killer was rescuing some bunch of flowers.
Suddenly he bumped into Suicidemouse. 
"Whoa I didn't expect to see you here at your house." 
"Yes I come here every tuesday." 
Suddenly, there was a slow creepy, scary noise.
They stared deeply and lovingly at eachover . 
But they bumped into a deep dark scary hole. 
"oh no I have have been damaged " said Jeff the Killer. 
"I believe Slender Man is behind this!"
"I deduced as much myself did I"
"He is behind an mega evil scheme to dominate ourtown." 
By finding a powerfull y-fronts of doom and fireing it at us. 
"can we stop him?" 
Yes, by finding the record collection of satan. 
In the magical island , hidden in the mountings of bunny rabbits , opposite the scopius doll of hell.
 ........ There lies a will tell you where to go.
"Who are you?" 
 With that the myseterious invisible voice vanished in a puff of smoke.
"Come now, Hero, we must find and seak our quest to do!" 
"Indeed thee must hasten to hawk yonder!" 
And with that they left 
Slender Man stopped and gazed into space.
Oh no.
It was happening;  couldn't help thinking about Slender Man again.  tried not too. Desperate to avoid the thoughts that could not be, no, - would not be- held back.
But like dozens of unstoppable generals they came creeping forward  till they filled  brain;
Slender Mans smile shined like marbles, as impressive as a mansion, it filled the hut and Slender Man was helplessly but willingly absorbed into them.
Slender Mans eyes were like coconuts.If you rolled them they would go quite far.
Slender Mans legs were like a radio tower. Straight and tight.
Slender Mans chest was like a Bees. Powerful and impossible to ignore.
How could Slender Man not be helpless in the face of that?.
 Slender Man snapped out of it. But the thoughts of Slender Man would be back. Would  be able to resist next time?
Slender Man sat on His throne wetly. He knew there was something wrong. Of course, Slender Man had looked into the sacred manakin, but that could tell Him nothing. 
He got up and called for their men. (A/N: Last year, Slender Man had actually gained control over the demonic armies of the underworld. It's a really cool story. Maybe I'll write it some day!)
"Massster," the biggest of the demonic generals spoke to Slender Man. "The seers in our army have heard the whispers of the dark blood. The Prophecy is about to come true!"
"The Prophecy?!"
"Yes, the Prophecy!"
"Then I know what to do," said Slender Man. "I want you to go Your town....and steal  Yume Nikki from Jeff the Killer!
"It will be my pleasure!" the vile creature spoke and with a zwoof he raised up and flapped on his wings away. Onto Your town, where he knew  Yume Nikki would be.
In the darkest of dark nights. Between the sun dawn and the sun dusk, the demons would arrive. And before Yume Nikki could realise, a large army had amassed before their doorstep. But Yume Nikki would not go without a fight. And for a brief moment, it looked like they'd get the upper hand. But then the demons used their infernal power. And down Yume Nikki went. Captured by the demonic army. All now, helpless in their darkest caves underneath. In a special prison they had prepared for Yume Nikki. 
And in the distance, Yume Nikki was sure they could hear Slender Man laugh. Oh no, they thought, if only Yume Nikki could warn Jeff the Killer not to come. Because this was a trap. Yume Nikki was sure of it. They'd seen Slender Man do this sort of thing before. But then, back then, it was with microphone. It was quite a fight that time in order to save Suicidemouse but eventually they prevalied althought Yume Nikki didn't know if they could do it now, after all, Yume Nikki was captured and now trapped with the demons in the prison below in the cave. Chained up, beaten, threatened with unspeakable acts that the demons all too sure loved to talk about. But it was a trap, and despite that, Yume Nikki would love in Jeff the Killer would come. Gosh, Yume Nikki wished they could defeat Slender Man on their own. But Slender Man was too strong and had the Prophecy on their side. There was not much to do. Except, maybe, maybe Jeff the Killer could save them. But it could still be a trap. Of that, Yume Nikki was sure of..........   
Slender Man was finding it really hard to concentrate at this movement  thoughts kept trying to think of Slender Man. Despite what was happening, it was hard to focus!
 Our heroes arrived at the central district. 
"How will we find where he is based in this big city?" 
"We will never find him."
"It will be like looking for a needle in a haystack."
"Maybe not, look...there!" 
Behind them was a massive blimp sign with Slender Man Corp scribbled upon it in bold . 
So they found where he was,and entered the skyscrapper... 
As they entered, it was strangely and creepily abandoned. 
A cold wind past, filling them with dread 
 "I am scared" said Suicidemouse.
"Come on" said Jeff the Killer
"Quick! Lets steal some guards uniforms, so we do not arouse suspension." So they knocked some guards out that were near the tree.  Our hero punched them a few more times to make sure they would stay down. As Smiledog was changing into her guards uniform, she rubbed her breasts slowly.  
"Ok, he is sure to be in the penthouse sweet in his hut " said Suicidemouse pressing the correct elevator button 
The elevator went up a few floors. SUDDENLY there was a bang on the roof! 
"down!" shouted Smiledog.
And they did. Which is just as well, because seconds later... 
The hatch opened and a couple of security gaurds with bazookas pirouetted down. 
"oh god! What are we going to do!?" said BEN
"We gota think fast" said Suicidemouse.
"I know you dont like violence, Jeff the Killer, But you have to do this. Do it for me. please.." Said Raven Shadowmoon
Jeff the Killer thought about all the people he had murdered recently because of his fate.
"Ok, your right, I know we have to fight them" said Jeff the Killer who did a massive mighty super kirate kick just as the first soldier landed 
 which knocked them unconscious. 
"Nice work. But its not over yet! Look!" 
A massive security gaurd appeared, but they killed him.
Ding! They had reached their floor.
And then, at the worst possible moment. It happened. Again.
Slender Man gazed at Slender Man.
It was impossible to resist this time. Like a rocket Slender Man was pulled towards Slender Man. It was a like withdrawal in a war. It was a like a bazooka piercing through  heart.  It was a like magnets.
There was No resisting. No mercy. No Pants. No longer anything else mattered.
Slender Man looked shocked and then...and then...not shocked. He had known all along.
Of course. How could Slender Man have been so stupid? Those long looks at eachother,the times they gazed at the stars together, the candle lit dinners. The steamy showers..
It wasn't just friendship. It never was. It was more and Slender Man had known all along.
"I knew" Slender Man said.
"oh" Slender Man said, realizing all this for the first time.
But there was more...Slender Man wasn't pulling away. He was pushing tighter. Holding Slender Man like a wild whale.
At some point their clothes came off.
They got ripped in the process of the pashioning
 didn't care. This is what  had needed for so long. too long. October. maybe more.
But this was now now. 
Slender Man and Slender Man together at last!
They canoddled like lovers and made love with their naughty bits.
They took it in turns inserting their bits into eachother. Slender Man inserted  bit into Slender Man. Then Slender Man inserted his bit into Slender Man. They repeated this a few times.
Afterwards (when they had finished cleaning their bits)they looked at eachother as if for the first time and had a cigarette.
But they knew they must leave.
They didn't want anyone to see.
Their forbidden love must remain hidden for now. Perhaps forever.
Slender Man took one last look at Slender Man.
"Goodbye my snuggly one"
"Love you too, my one and only Slender Man"
And then they departed.
"So you have come" said a voice booming from the sky 
A jump-jet appeared above them. 
Slender Man laughed at them from it.
"Ha Ha Ha Ha" 
"I could gun you all down from here with my rocket, but I would rather do this...personal style."
he leaped down and landed at the far side of the rooftop 
"Ready?" he said, still laughing. 
Jeff the Killer removed his shirt and flexed his abs. 
"Yes. I am ready. I was born ready." 
With that they leaped at eachother, metaphorical guns blazzing (which were littoral bazookas). 
"I kill you dead" 
Slender Man head butted Jeff the Killer in the chest
Blood splashed onto the floor.
Jeff the Killer fell backwards in pain punching a few times before crashing to the ground. 
"Ha Ha Ha Ha" laughed Slender Man
"You could never have defeated me, so why did you even try?" 
"I had too, for all that is good and just in the world." 
"Well now you will die. Goodbye." 
Slender Man leaned over Jeff the Killer holding a large rock.
"Quick Jeff the Killer use this!" said Raven Shadowmoon ,chucking a nearby carpet towards Jeff the Killer.
Jeff the Killer grabbed it and chucked it towards Slender Man hard, knocking him the edge of the tall hanger they were on! 
"Goodbye, Slender Man have a nice fall!" 
Some blood sprayed up and splashed on them. 
"We are safe now, he fell to certain doom." 
BEN and Suicidemouse got out from the bush where they were cuddleing. "Thank you, you saved us all" 
"Dont mention it." 
But then! Slender Man appeared! He had landed in his bi-plane that was nearby! 
"I will get you next time! I will kill you all!"